I am an editing mofo

The goal was to have Storm Season edited and off by Monday of next week, but Real Life(TM) has intervened as it usually does (my other job ate last Monday, and various stressors kicked in as of Tuesday and made editing…somewhat difficult). As a result, I may not have everything done by the 3rd as planned. For instance, I’m currently expanding and polishing Chapter Three with thirteen more chapters to go, and that number may increase as we go.

So, my revised goal is to have the sucker ready for submission by December 7, come hell or high water, at which point I spend December finishing off Behind the Iron Cross in order to have it ready for submission by the middle of January.

To be honest, 2013 is going to be an insane year for me. Still in the planning stages are five more books in the Olympic Cove series, another historical ER set in Roman-occupied Britain, and a contemporary paranormal romance. And then there’s the alternate history mystery that’s finished and being edited, plus the straight up SF comedy thriller that is finished and desperately needs editing, and THEN I want to do an SF police procedural.

Yes, I’m insane, we already know that, moving along now.

About Nicola Cameron

Nicola Cameron has had some interesting adventures in her life -- ask her sometime about dressing up as Tietania, Queen of the Bondage Fairies. When not writing, she wrangles cats, makes dolls of dubious and questionable identity, and thanks almighty Cthulhu that she doesn’t have to work for a major telecommunications company any more (because there’s BDSM, and then there’s just plain torture...).

Posted on November 29, 2012, in Behind the Iron Cross, Olympic Cove, Storm Season, Writing. Bookmark the permalink. Comments Off on I am an editing mofo.

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