The Promo Whirl Begins

Firstly: High Tide is live on all major ebook retailers. The print version will come out on Friday.

Secondly, this is how my release day is going so far:

  • Got up at 3:11 AM, checked that High Tide had gone live on Amazon, grabbed the ASIN link and added it to the book file’s Olympic Cove Series and Other Work pages, and republished it.
  • Checked that Draft2Digital had processed the book file and generated an ISBN, grabbed it and added it to the book file, and republished it.
  • Checked that Google Play had processed the book file, grabbed the store link and added it to the book file’s Olympic Cove Series and Other Work pages, and republished it.
  • Went back to bed for a few hours.
  • Woke up and checked that High Tide had republished at all retailers. It had, yay!
  • Updated the book page’s buy links here.
  • Submitted High Tide to BookBub and added all the required links.
  • Finished making ad graphics (I needed pull quotes).

What I will be doing for the rest of the day:

  • Creating a promo packet that can be distributed to author buddies for inclusion on their blogs.
  • Creating an AMS ad.
  • Promoting High Tide on all appropriate FB book groups.
  • Creating a TikTok promo video for High Tide and uploading that.
  • Promoting High Tide on other social media.
  • Sending out a newsletter with buy links.
  • Setting up the book on BookFunnel so that I can send book links to my Patreon members

Once that is all done, I may relax with a well-deserved rum and coke. Or I may work on Hurricane Warning, who knows?

About Nicola Cameron

Nicola Cameron has had some interesting adventures in her life -- ask her sometime about dressing up as Tietania, Queen of the Bondage Fairies. When not writing, she wrangles cats, makes dolls of dubious and questionable identity, and thanks almighty Cthulhu that she doesn’t have to work for a major telecommunications company any more (because there’s BDSM, and then there’s just plain torture...).

Posted on June 26, 2024, in High Tide, Hurricane Warning. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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