And High Tide is off

I’ve just uploaded High Tide (Olympic Cove 5) to Amazon, Draft2Digital, and Google Play (hi, Susan!) and it is currently churning through their servers. As soon as I have buy links, I’ll update the book page and let y’all know here. The print book will probably be available at the end of the week.

And yes, I’m currently working on Hurricane Warning (Olympic Cove 6) and have a projected release date of 8/6/24 for that book. 22,000 words done, another 70,000 to go, whee! For now, however, I’m gonna go grab a protein snack and hit the hay. Night!

About Nicola Cameron

Nicola Cameron has had some interesting adventures in her life -- ask her sometime about dressing up as Tietania, Queen of the Bondage Fairies. When not writing, she wrangles cats, makes dolls of dubious and questionable identity, and thanks almighty Cthulhu that she doesn’t have to work for a major telecommunications company any more (because there’s BDSM, and then there’s just plain torture...).

Posted on June 25, 2024, in Fantasy, High Tide, Hurricane Warning, MM. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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